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Patent/Trademark Portfolio Valuation

If you want to evaluate the company's patent and trademark portfolios, for example within the framework of a financing round or in case of a takeover, our interdisciplinary team of patent attorneys will analyze said patent and trademark portfolios.

This analyze includes quality evaluation of the applications, as well as analysis of market data for the respective indications and of the scientific projects which lead to the applications.

The value of a patent and trademark portfolio is not limited to intellectual property rights, but is always connected to the scientific research and development projects and the respective market.

Not only do such analyses provide you with information regarding the value of your patent and trademark portfolios, but they also indicate advantages and disadvantages, as well as possible methods for improvement, such as improvement of the application strategies, licensing strategies, combinations of patent protection and orphan drug status and many more.

Therefore, the valuation of a patent and/ or trademark portfolio is not only recommended in case of takeovers or financing rounds. Instead, it should be carried out every 5 years, in order to obtain an external, unbiased analysis of the company's focus. Thus, scientific research and development projects as well as patent and trademarks can be reorganized and improved.